I think most men have a natural desire to be successful and most of us measure our success in our accumulation of pictures of dead presidents. I'm no different. I have spent the majority of my life pursuing things that always seemed to be just out of my reach. But I was struck by a thought this morning as my oldest daughter hugged me and then left to go back to college. Somehow, without even being aware that it was happening, I have reached a level of success that outweighs my bank account.
I have a college age daughter who posts on her facebook page how much she loves me and is proud of me.
I have a daughter in high school who still thinks it's cool to hug her dad in front of her friends.
I have middle schooler that still thinks it's funny to pull my finger, and loves to share her dreams with me.
I have wife who has stayed in this rodeo for 21 years and still smiles and hugs me when I come through the door.
I know the race isn't over. Life could change tomorrow, but today I'm a successful man.
I agree Kip. I believe you got it goin'!!! "aunt Kathy"